Mayfield Church of England Primary School

Homework is the subject of regular review between staff, governors and parents. One of the main aims of a primary school is to help children to develop a love for learning and to lay sound foundations for their transition to secondary school. Children in our school are encouraged to be responsible for their learning at home and to approach it with a positive attitude. It is recognised that homework is of most value when there are clear links to the learning that children are doing in school and parents can support their child. Reading at home is vital as it supports all other areas of the curriculum and is therefore encouraged daily in all year groups. Children are also asked to practice phonics/spelling, number facts/times tables and in KS2, a task may be given linked to the children’s termly Learning Journey. Where a teacher feels that there is a particular need for a child to carry out work at home or to finish work started in class, this may also be set as homework. The first homework of each term is linked to one of our Christian values. Homework is set by the class teacher using Google Classroom which pupils’ access by using their individual log in details.